SGI Hot Mix 17
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; $Id: int_tabulated.pro,v 1.13 1997/01/15 03:11:50 ali Exp $
; Copyright (c) 1995-1997, Research Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
; Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.
; This function integrates a tabulated set of data { x(i) , f(i) },
; on the closed interval [min(X) , max(X)].
; Numerical Analysis.
; Result = INT_TABULATED(X, F)
; X: The tabulated X-value data. This data may be irregularly
; gridded and in random order. If the data is randomly ordered
; you must set the SORT keyword to a nonzero value.
; Duplicate x values will result in a warning message.
; F: The tabulated F-value data. Upon input to the function
; X(i) and F(i) must have corresponding indices for all
; values of i. If X is reordered, F is also reordered.
; X and F must be of floating point or double precision type.
; SORT: A zero or non-zero scalar value.
; SORT = 0 (the default) The tabulated x-value data is
; already in ascending order.
; SORT = 1 The tabulated x-value data is in random order
; and requires sorting into ascending order. Both
; input parameters X and F are returned sorted.
; DOUBLE: If set to a non-zero value, computations are done in
; double precision arithmetic.
; This fuction returns the integral of F computed from the tabulated
; data in the closed interval [min(X) , max(X)].
; Data that is highly oscillatory requires a sufficient number
; of samples for an accurate integral approximation.
; INT_TABULATED.PRO constructs a regularly gridded x-axis with a
; number of segments as an integer multiple of four. Segments
; are processed in groups of four using a 5-point Newton-Cotes
; integration formula.
; For 'sufficiently sampled' data, this algorithm is highly accurate.
; Example 1:
; Define 11 x-values on the closed interval [0.0 , 0.8].
; x = [0.0, .12, .22, .32, .36, .40, .44, .54, .64, .70, .80]
; Define 11 f-values corresponding to x(i).
; f = [0.200000, 1.30973, 1.30524, 1.74339, 2.07490, 2.45600, $
; 2.84299, 3.50730, 3.18194, 2.36302, 0.231964]
; Compute the integral.
; result = INT_TABULATED(x, f)
; In this example, the f-values are generated from a known function,
; (f = .2 + 25*x - 200*x^2 + 675*x^3 - 900*x^4 + 400*x^5)
; The Multiple Application Trapazoid Method yields; result = 1.5648
; The Multiple Application Simpson's Method yields; result = 1.6036
; INT_TABULATED.PRO yields; result = 1.6232
; The Exact Solution (4 decimal accuracy) yields; result = 1.6405
; Example 2:
; Create 30 random points in the closed interval [-2 , 1].
; x = randomu(seed, 30) * 3.0 - 2.0
; Explicitly define the interval's endpoints.
; x(0) = -2.0 & x(29) = 1.0
; Generate f(i) corresponding to x(i) from a given function.
; f = sin(2*x) * exp(cos(2*x))
; Call INT_TABULATED with the SORT keyword.
; result = INT_TABULATED(x, f, /sort)
; In this example, the f-values are generated from the function,
; f = sin(2*x) * exp(cos(2*x))
; The result of this example will vary because the x(i) are random.
; Executing this example three times gave the following results:
; INT_TABULATED.PRO yields; result = -0.0702
; INT_TABULATED.PRO yields; result = -0.0731
; INT_TABULATED.PRO yields; result = -0.0698
; The Exact Solution (4 decimal accuracy) yields; result = -0.0697
; Written by: GGS, RSI, September 1993
; Modified: GGS, RSI, November 1993
; Use Numerical Recipes cubic spline interpolation
; function NR_SPLINE/NR_SPLINT. Execution time is
; greatly reduced. Added DOUBLE keyword. The 'sigma'
; keyword is no longer supported.
; Modified: GGS, RSI, April 1995
; Changed cubic spline calls from NR_SPLINE/NR_SPLINT
; to SPL_INIT/SPL_INTERP. Improved double-precision
; accuracy.
; Modified: GGS, RSI, April 1996
; Replaced WHILE loop with vector operations.
; Check for duplicate points in x vector.
; Modified keyword checking and use of double precision.
FUNCTION Int_Tabulated, X, F, Double = Double, Sort = Sort
;Return to caller if an error occurs.
TypeX = SIZE(X)
TypeF = SIZE(F)
;Check F data type.
if TypeF[TypeF[0]+1] ne 4 and TypeF[TypeF[0]+1] ne 5 then $
MESSAGE, "F values must be float or double."
;Check length.
if TypeX[TypeX[0]+2] ne TypeF[TypeF[0]+2] then $
MESSAGE, "X and F arrays must have the same number of elements."
;Check duplicate values.
if TypeX[TypeX[0]+2] ne N_ELEMENTS(UNIQ(X[SORT(X)])) then $
MESSAGE, "X array contains duplicate points."
;If the DOUBLE keyword is not set then the internal precision and
;result are identical to the type of input.
if N_ELEMENTS(Double) eq 0 then $
Double = (TypeX[TypeX[0]+1] eq 5 or TypeF[TypeF[0]+1] eq 5)
Xsegments = TypeX[TypeX[0]+2] - 1L
;Sort vectors into ascending order.
if KEYWORD_SET(Sort) ne 0 then begin
ii = SORT(x)
X = X[ii]
F = F[ii]
while (Xsegments MOD 4L) ne 0L do $
Xsegments = Xsegments + 1L
Xmin = MIN(X)
Xmax = MAX(X)
;Uniform step size.
h = (Xmax+0.0 - Xmin) / Xsegments
;Compute the interpolates at Xgrid.
;x values of interpolates >> Xgrid = h * FINDGEN(Xsegments + 1L) + Xmin
z = SPL_INTERP(X, F, SPL_INIT(X, F, Double = Double), $
h * FINDGEN(Xsegments + 1L) + Xmin, Double = Double)
;Compute the integral using the 5-point Newton-Cotes formula.
ii = (LINDGEN((N_ELEMENTS(z) - 1L)/4L)+1) * 4
if Double eq 0 then $
RETURN, FLOAT(TOTAL(2.0 * h * (7.0 * (z[ii-4] + z[ii]) + $
32.0 * (z[ii-3] + z[ii-1]) + 12.0 * z[ii-2]) / 45.0)) $
else $
RETURN, TOTAL(2D * h * (7D * (z[ii-4] + z[ii]) + $
32D * (z[ii-3] + z[ii-1]) + 12D * z[ii-2]) / 45D, /DOUBLE)